II rebranded and here's the long story of why...
I have several reasons for going from Srta Depping on all platforms to Profe Sierra, but the biggest reason is due to a little bit of my own stupidity/forgetfulness. I started my blog srtadepping.com a little over a year ago using Blogger. When I started that blog I was still student teaching with Allison (Mis Clases Locas). I had started a student teacher Instagram so that I could follow these great creators I was learning about and I am so glad I did. There is so much to be learned every day and I am so grateful for the brilliant minds that put ideas and resources out there, because they saved my butt during my first year of teaching. I also didn't want my personal Instagram tagged and followed by lots of strangers. (Also, pretty sure my high school friends and family do not need to read all about the cool things I made for my classroom or how I am differentiating every day.) However, that means I picked the easiest name I could-- Srta Depping. That's what my students called me. It was my name more-or-less and as a soon-to-be new teacher I had been working hard for several years now to earn that title. Well then I went and got engaged this Fall to my boyfriend of three years and will be getting married this August 2020 (as long as COVID-19 doesn't wreck it). So Depping, while it is my last name and a part of me, will no longer be my last name in just a couple months. I had really considered keeping everything Srta Depping for ease. No one really needs to know my "real" last name for the sake of things social media. Having my Instagram Srta Depping only made it easy for 4 stalkery high schoolers to find my account this year, but that also wasn't that big of a deal for me. I blocked them and told them they could follow my social media after they graduated and in all honesty in a few years my students would have completely forgotten that they used to call me Depping, so that would have no longer been an issue as well. No, the real reason I had to change everything is because when I set up my original blog I used my university email. Dun dun dun... and eventuall y because I was no longer a student there they deleted said email and I completely forgot that I had linked it to a soon-to-be invalid email address. The several weeks of work I did moving things from that email and Google Drive to my permanent email had not jogged my memory and when I realized... well it was too late. I plan on using this summer to re-upload some of my older blogs that people often referenced and I promise that this blog is no longer linked to a potentially expiring email address. Thanks for you patience and I look forward to growing this new blog under a new name. Oh yeah! The new name. I had a lot of people asking and honestly quite confused why I chose Sierra. I think a lot of people think I am referencing mountains or trying to be clever, but it's really not that deep. 1) It's not my going to be my married last name. I am aware that Sierra is a common-ish last name especially in Spain, because when I lived there it was very confusing to my host family and I was consistently asked why my parents chose it. I even once had a stranger in Spain equate it to the then popular baby name "Nube" or "Cloud" in English. 2) I didn't think it was THAT uncommon of a name and didn't even think about how some people would think it's weird. Sierra is just my first name and I am in fact named after the Sierra Madres in Mexico. Believe me I think a few people were a little embarrassed when they DMed me on my Instagram that they thought using Sierra sounded weird or was an odd choice for my account. Either way Profe Sierra is here and is definitely here to stay! -Sierra
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