I was first introduced to the Plate Sketch Game by Cynthia Hintz 5 years ago when I was student teaching with Allison Wienhold (Mis Clases Locas) and recently I was re-reminded of how fun and engaging , but also input heavy this activity is thanks to the teacher's guide for Bianca Nieves y los 7 Toritos by Carrie Toth (Somewhere to Share). We had a great time using this activity with the novel -- one of my favorite teacher's guides of all time.
Materials: Cheap paper plates Sharpies A script of what to say! How to play: 1) Pass out one paper plate and one sharpie to each student. 2) Instruct students to put the plate on top of their head and that they will draw what their teacher describes WITHOUT talking. Spanish example: "Pónganse el plato encima de la cabeza. Clase, mientras yo describo, quiero que Uds. ¡dibujen! Dibujen lo que describo pero ¡no lo vean!" 3) Then slowly say your script "In the center their is a boy" and add on to it. "In his right hand he was an apple" "Behind him their is a house" "The house as 4 windows and a door" etc. 4)At the end compare their works of art and continue to circle "Does Dan have the boy in the middle?" "How many windows are on the house in Hailey's artwork?" etc. 5) Finally, you can award points for each thing in the right place or vote as a class for the best overall/most accurate or clear. 6) Finally, have fun and be ready for lots of laughs! Holiday ready-to-go, themed options: El Día de San Valentín - by Profe Sierra Check out Mis Clases Locas blog for a Navidad themed version And if anyone else makes a version wants to share please email me at [email protected] I'll add it to the list to share with everyone!
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