Resentimiento, also known as Trash Ball or Grudge Ball, is a review game I remember playing back when I was in high school (specifically in math class of all places) and I've seen it pop-up various times in different teacher's guides and curriculum throughout my time teaching, so I thought I would type up my own blog to reference about this classic game. It's often in rotation for me as it requires so little prep, but is extremely engaging and gets students moving. I did not invent this game, honestly who knows who did, but you can also read about it on this blog from Martina Bex if you would like to see it explained somewhere else-- she also explains really well how to introduce and set up this game so there are no hard feelings from students (believe me there can be it's very competitive.)
This game is for me-- a no-prep game which is a reason I love it. Here's what you need to do! Prep: You need a list of questions /tasks to ask your students. You can predetermine these, pull them from the top of you head as you go, put them on a slideshow they can be fill in the blank, true/false, open ended it's totally up to you. Set Up: -You need a bucket , bin, or trash can for students to aim at -a ball for them to shoot with. I use a small soft one from Amazon -tape or place rulers on the group to indicate the two locations students can shoot from one pretty far away from the basket and one about halfway to it -Place your class into teams this works best if you have at least 3-4 teams but I have done up to 6 depending on the size of my class -Have each team come up with a Spanish team name and then write them on the board. Below each team name draw 10 Xs. Start the Game: - I arbitrarily choose a team to start . I tell them the game is going to make them resent people and have grudges so they might as well start with me. :) -I ask the first team a question. * If they answer correctly: A team member will get the ball and decide which line to shoot from. If they miss they get to erase 2 Xs from any other team (you can never do anything to your own teams Xs only other teams) If they shot from the line closer to the basket they get to erase 4 Xs and if they make it from the back they can erase 5 Xs. *If they answer incorrectly: That team must add 2 Xs to the board, again they can't give them to their own team they must give them to other teams. -When taking or adding Xs a team can decide to divey them up however they want. That might 4 to one team or 2 to one and 2 to another or each gets 1 taken away. You can end the game after so much time or if you have a certain list of questions you want to answer or 2 min before the bell rings it's up to you and your student's engagement. The winning team is whoever has the most Xs at the end of the game and even if a team's Xs are all gone they can come back when other teams miss a question and have to add Xs to the board. Hope you and your students have a great time reviewing and creating memories!
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